
Society of Civil and Public Service Writers


To foster and encourage friendly relationships and assistance, in the many aspects of the art of writing and authorship between members.

To encourage writing, encompassing different genres; poetry, short stories, books, essays, articles, both literary and dramatic works both stage and screen.

Encourage those who may wish to become published.



Open to both serving and retired members of the Civil Service of the Public Services, both civil and armed who subscribe to the objects of the society.



Only members of the Society are eligible to serve as Officers of the Committee

Officers shall comprise, A Chairman, Meetings Secretary, Hon.Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Publicity Officer, Competition Secretary and Editor of the Society’s magazine, ‘The Author’.

The Committee shall have the power to appoint or recommend the appointment of a Society President, Vice-President and Vice- Chairman with the power to end or release from tenure, by agreement.

A Quorum of the Society shall comprise Four Officers of the Society.

The Chairman shall be elected to serve for a minimum of three years with option to be invited to continue for longer, if he or she so wishes with agreement of the Committee.

The Committee shall have power to refuse membership or remove membership from any member, as it sees fit.



An AGM shall be held on the second Saturday of May each year or at such other time as the Committee shall advise.

The meeting shall receive reports submitted to it by the Committee and an audited statement of accounts.

The meeting shall elect, where and when required, officers and members of the Committee.



Subscriptions set by AGM each year and to be payable on 1st of January each year.



In the event of the Society ceasing to exist, any outstanding debts are to be paid to the creditors. Remaining fund to be apportioned to a charity/charities approved by all members of the Committee.


12th May 2015