Stephen Bibby – biographical notes

After reading history at UCL, in 1970 Stephen Bibby departed for Malawi where he worked as a VSO teacher. Although he later followed a career in the UK civil service, he continued to travel widely and in his late 30s undertook a two-year secondment to Lesotho in southern Africa. Having visited many distant countries, he has amassed an extensive collection of travel diaries and has won numerous prizes and awards for travel articles.

His first novel, Collingwood’s Club was followed by a sequel, A Ransom for Rhodes.  The Bullingham Bequest, published in 2020, completed the trilogy known as The Collingwood Collection . Each novel stands alone, although the sequels contain references to preceding events. We meet characters who become familiar and learn how the hero, Ben Turner, confronts his great weakness – an overwhelming fear of heights.  In addition to the Collingwood Collection, Stephen has written two children’s books dedicated to his four grandchildren. All Stephen's books are available for purchase on Amazon.

Stephen is also a member of Writers Inc, a group of talented writers in North Hampshire. He finds the support and critical comments of his fellow authors very valuable in improving his own work. In recent years Stephen has won several awards in the Basingstoke Music and Arts Festival for articles and short stories.

Stephen lives in Hampshire and, when not busy writing, enjoys presenting a weekly poetry programme for community radio, amateur acting and countryside walks.

Books and Other Publications by
Stephen Bibby