Critique -
Everyone takes part
How it works

Each Month a Competition

Members send in material according to the topic of the month. The deadline is always 15th of the month. On 16th of the month, a compilation is sent to all members  with an end of the month deadline for return of  their remarks. (About 15 days to do this.)

Members Critique and Assess

All members are invited (not compulsory) to send in their assessment of running order: 
WINNER (3 points)
The number 'commended' varies according to the challenge of the competition. The results are awarded points as noted above. Members are also invited to send in a critique of the entries. 


Usually on the first of the following month the results, based on the total scores is circulated to members.  A compilation of  critiques is also sent to members. Members are then able to compare their judgement with their peers. 
Occasionally we run a parallel assessment by a single judge. Again members can compare their own perception against that of others and the single judge.The single judge's assessment prevails.